Blue Quartz Wand
Blue Quartz can get its pretty color from a variety of different mineral inclusions. But, most of the crystals on the market are colored by Dumortierite. If the Dumortierite is scattered evenly, the Quartz will have a single solid color. If there are areas where the Dumortierite is more concentrated, then the crystal might be both some stripes of light and dark blue. Blue Quartz has a gentle energy that can inspire personal growth and healing. It reminds us that our journey is unique and that comparison is a thief of joy. It helps us to find our soul-purpose, to enjoy the present moment and to always prioritize what matters most to us.
Spiritual Healing Properties
Blue Quartz is a gentle stone to inspire great personal growth. It reveals our path forward and help us to walk it gracefully and confidently. Blue Quartz helps us to stay calm and centered during times when our life is disrupted or at a crossroads, transforming from one stage of life to another. It reminds us that each stage of life is a wonderful opportunity all its own. So, do not mourn a previous time of life, or seek to hurry forward to the future. Rather enjoy the present moment and take time to explore all the delicious possibilities it presents! Blue Quartz reminds us that we are all one family and that connecting with others and supporting each other on our journeys is powerful good medicine. Blue Quartz is a particularly good stone for people who practice yoga, meditation or other forms of breath-work.
Metaphysical Properties Blue Quartz
Chakra Throat and Third Eye
Element Wind and Water
Numerology 4
Zodiac Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Emotional Healing Properties
Blue Quartz brings a calm self-confidence, a sense of ease and soul-purpose deep within ourselves. It encourages us to be generous with our time and energy, with the people that matter most to us. Blue Quartz also encourages us to cultivate thoughtful relationships, and to be with people who make us feel good and help us to grow. Blue Quartz teaches us that “fear”, especially fear of the unknown, is often little more than “incomplete knowledge” and that the way to move past fear is to simply learn more! It also reminds us to reach out to others for support when in need and to trust that we will receive good energy. Blue Quartz inspires hope and helps us to trust ourselves and to listen to the promptings of our heart.
Mental Healing Properties
Blue Quartz is a wonderful stone for the mind and inspires lifelong learning. It teaches us that we are constantly evolving, ever changing, and that each season of our life is full of interesting challenges just waiting for us to solve them. It helps us to see new opportunities as exciting and encourages us to ponder new ideas. Blue Quartz improves our communication skills, helping us to find the right words to express whatever we are feeling, thinking or dreaming into. It is an excellent stone for anyone undergoing talk therapy.
Approx. 5.25"
Weight: 104 g